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Natural Soap

Our Origin


Welcome to Natural Assurance where my goal is to grow, strengthen and provide 100% natural products for the nourishment of your hair.


A Little About The Creator:











Hi I’m Naturee Lee for years I took care of my grandmothers' hair. My grandmother’s battle with cancer began in 2014. It wasn’t until 2016 that her chemotherapy treatments resulted in the loss of her hair. For years my grandmother spoke wisdom into me. She would always refer to my hands as healing hands when it came to fixing hair. From quick weaves, sew-ins, braids an etc. I’ve always been big on exploring and creating different concoctions for many different reasons. After giving birth and 2 years of my daughter hair not growing I sat down, studied and formulated my own homemade growth oil and hair crack pudding. After being able to grow my daughters’ hair, my hair as well as others I knew I wanted to help others around the world with their hair growth/natural hair journey. I understand what it takes to make our natural hair thrive. I have worked with hair from locs to protective styles, and I have seen it all. Let me use my experience to connect you with the products that work best for your hair.


Fun Fact:

Blessed Assurance was one of my grandmothers’ favorite Gospel Songs. I strive for my Natural products to be a blessing in others life as it has blessed our growth journey. Those two factors helped with creating the name Natural Assurance Hair Care Products.


My knowledge, motivation, inspiration and my brand is dedicated to my Wonderful Grandmother, My “Nanna”. Thank you for all the long talks, the positivity you poured into me. This one’s for you my ANGEL!!! 




Beannetta M. Allen

Sept. 12.1940 – Oct.07.2016

Homemade With Love

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